Amplify Studio In the din of what's being said today, there are voices the world needs to hear more of. When we hear such a voice, our job is clear. Amplify.
I have the privilege to see story after story develop - work speaking about human experience from under-heard perspectives. However this work is often installational work, fleeting not by design but by lack of opportunity.
Amplify Studio intends to broadcast artist's work not only by attracting audiences to singular theatrical engagements but by curating ensemble shows that weave several voices, and traveling that show to an audience.
As performers, perhaps "the stage" is tool of our medium but we certainly don't need a theater. Audiences unfamiliar with the practice of attending theater certainly know how to enjoy a show. Why not be be food truck of solo performance?
The specific story elements transcend singularity and become universal - the magical paradox of specificity.